Sunday 18 December 2011


I am one of those lucky people who often remembers their dreams.  I can have very vivid dreams a lot of the time, as well.  Dreams, for me, are fantastic entertainment.  These strange hallucinations are something I frequently look forward to, so much so that I anticipate going to bed. 

Sometimes I have bad dreams, which are usually incoherent messes that leave me with an anxious feeling.  Sometimes dreams about issues that are weighing heavily on my mind, which are very literally and merely leave me with a sense of disappointment insofar as those dreams are quite dull.  I have other dreams that are cut and pastes of my life so far, dreams that resemble video games or movies.  I have dreams where I am me observing, me participating or even me in the role of someone else entirely.  I've had these things happen in one night of dreaming.  I have had dreams that have inspired me.

There is also a lot of very interesting imagery, especially some imagery that still continues to repeat in dreams.  I dream about places that are amalgamations of places I know and also places that are entirely unique to my mind.  This dream landscape is vast and in a strange way, somewhat mapped out by repetitive occurrence.  I may in the future write about aspects of my dreams, or describe some imagery just because I love dreams that much, they truly are a joy.

So sweet dreams to you, dear readers.

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